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中在读书会NO.206 | 执行你的故事品牌脚本
发布时间:2024-06-18   浏览:1739次 返回列表

Execute your

 story brand script


Build a better website

1. Keep it simple: A clear, easy-to-navigate website allows users to quickly find the information they need.

2. A clear call to action: The website needs to have clear guidelines that encourage users to take action, such as purchasing a product or service. 

3. Show success images: By showing success stories or user stories, you can enhance the trust of potential customers. 

4. Segmentation of revenue sources: Clearly demonstrate the advantages of a product or service to help customers understand its value.

5. Reduce text: Avoid lengthy text descriptions and use concise, strong language to convey information.

How to transform a large business through story branding

1. Fill narrative gaps: Make sure the business's story matches the expectations of customers and employees, and fill in any inconsistencies. 

2. Promote employee loyalty: Through the story brand, let employees feel that they are part of the success story of the company. 

3. Transform corporate culture: Use story branding to shape and reinforce an organization's core values and culture. 4. Develop leaders: Through storytelling, develop leadership employees who can lead and motivate teams.

Discuss and share

"In the process of building our website, we understand the importance of images in engaging users. Therefore, we insist on choosing images that truly reflect the qualities of the product. Imagine when a customer is attracted by a dress with a beautiful picture on Taobao, only to be disappointed when they actually receive it, no doubt because the picture has been over-filtered and retouched. In contrast, we display images and videos of human organ models without beauty or filters, ensuring that what you see is what you get, which greatly increases customer trust and satisfaction."

"For a company website, it is vital that contact details are unobstructed and up to date. This is not only related to the ability to effectively reach potential customers, but also directly reflects the professionalism and management efficiency of the company. If contact details are hard to get through or information is out of date, you're not only missing out on business opportunities, you're more likely to give the impression that the company is disorganized and has poor processes."

"The success of a company cannot be separated from the close cooperation and joint efforts of the team. From product research and development, quality control, production norms, to the final sales promotion, every link needs the hard work and tacit cooperation of team members. This kind of team strength is the key to driving the company forward and product innovation."

Sum up


1. In the face of the severe situation of excess production capacity, we need to improve our survival skills, so as to survive, only by living can we progress, and our ability can continue to grow. It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. 

2. The fundamental changes brought about by the progress of The Times require each of us to keep improving, to do everything we can, to make plans and programs, to do as much as possible, and to have the ability to integrate. 

3. We must have feelings, dreams, and strong will to use good tools and methods, and tomorrow will be better.


中在读书会NO.218 | 《怎样做成大事》第7-9章

中在读书会NO.218 | 《怎样做成大事》第7-9章

怎样做成大事中在读书会NO.218成功并非一蹴而就,而是需要勇气、团队合作、创新方法和数据支持等多方面因素的共同作用。主要内容(1)无知与勇气:吉米·亨德里克斯和他的团队通过改造“一代”俱乐部为电子女士录音室,展示了无知可以成为成功的催化剂。他们面对重重困难,如地下河、资金筹集等,但通过创新和坚持完成了项目,证明了勇气和无畏尝试的重要性。在面对未知和挑战时,保持积极的心态和勇于尝试的精神是成功的关键。(2)团队的力量:胡佛大坝项目和英国机场管理局5号航站楼的成功,强调了经验丰富且上下一心的团队对于项目成功的重要性。胡佛大坝的工程师弗兰克·克劳通过构建忠诚团队,确保了项目的顺利进行。而伦敦希思罗机场则通过数字化图像、新的建造方法和人的策略,确保了5号航站楼的顺利建成。团队的力量是无可估量的,只有团结协作才能克服一切困难。(3)模块化建设的优势:模块化建设作为一种创新的项目管理方法,通过重复使用成功元素,降低了项目风险,加速了学习曲线。这一理念在多个项目中得到了验证,如尼泊尔学校项目、特斯拉超级工厂等。模块化建设不仅提高了项目的灵活性和可扩展性,还降低了成本,为大型项目的成功提供了有力保障。在未来的项目管理中,应更多地采用模块化建设的思路,以提高项目的成功率和效率。(4)数据的重要性:尽管赫希曼的“隐藏之手”原理在某些方面具有一定的启发性,但作者通过对2062个项目的统计分析发现,赫希曼的论点在数据面前显得站不住脚。这提醒我们,在做决策时不能仅凭主观判断,而应结合数据和事实进行全 面评估。数据是我们做出正确决策的重要依据,必须给予足够的重视。小组分享01慢思考,快行动"对于'慢思考,快行动',我的理解是'慢'不是真的慢慢的,不急不缓的,而是要仔细全 面的去思考,然后高 效快速的去行动。其实这句话给我的感触是我们在做项目的时候要全 面思考,快速行动,在思考中迭代思想,在行动中迭代项目。"02全 面考虑"项目失败的原因主要是“预算超支、时间超期、效益不足”这三点中的一个或者多个。其实做项目很难一次就能完全把控,把所有的事情考虑在内,只能说尽可能的进行更全 面的思考,包括预算,时间,效益等,项目的成功一定是在慢思考后的快行动中不断迭代,不断完善从而成功的。这也正如哲学中所说的,事物的发展一定是螺旋上升的。因此希望我们在做项目中,在生活中不论当下如何,只要做好规划并努力,相信我们的未来也一定是螺旋上升的,一定会拥有一个美好的未来。"03专注当下"检测工作要求我们对每一个细节都保持高度专注,不能有丝毫马虎。就如同书中所强调的,只有专注于当下的任务,才能把事情做好。同时,坚持也是关键。检测工作可能会遇到各种困难和挑战,但我们不能轻易放弃。要像书中说的那样,持之以恒地追求目标。在未来的工作中,我会以更加专注的态度对待每一次检测任务,严格按照标准流程操作,确保检测结果的准确性。并且,无论遇到什么困难,我都将坚持不懈,努力提升自己的专 业技能,为做成大事、为检测工作贡献自己的力量。"总结如果找不到热爱的事情,就做正确、擅长的事情。在正向反馈中螺旋上升,不断进步。共同创造未来END浙江中在医疗400-0858-856www.biozhongzai.com投稿:y³编辑:知了审核:理性细胞